Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Gratituesdays: 2012

1.  The world didn't end.  And if it did, then I choose to remain blissfully ignorant of the fact that I am now a member of a weird afterlife which so closely resembles my pre-apocalyptic world as well as the plot line from The Sixth Sense.

2.  Musing for money.  This year, I became a professional Writer - that is, if you define "professional" as having been paid to write stuff while also maintaining unrelated, full-time employment doing something else.  No, I'm not exactly rolling in any dough other than what I prepare in my own kitchen, but it's a start and I'm grateful for the opportunity.

3.  Bradley Cooper.  By far the most superficial piece of gratitude on this list, but it still made the cut.  You all know how much I fantasize about him, much of my obsession due to his eerie resemblance and other similarities to my beloved Chef who is Sous.  In 2012, BC was in four movies.  Please overlook the fact that I haven't seen any of them; I have been busy and my aforementioned partner is, for some reason, reluctant to see his doppleganger's films, and I feel just plain weird lusting after someone all by myself in a darkened movie theater.

4.  Saying "Goodbye", then saying "Hello".  I left one career, unsure of whether my decision was timely, let alone intelligent or even sane.  I got my answer when I was assigned a temp position at what turned out to be a great place to work.  I am happy and productive and challenged and invigorated there, and at the end of the day I'm still left with enough energy for my hobbies.

5.  New friends.  This year, Sous Chef and I have greatly enjoyed befriending another couple, whose name shall henceforth in this blog be known as: Griz (ah, the beloved name-smush - thank you, Bennifer and Brangelina).  Anyway, these two are the perfect compliment to Sous Chef and myself, and we greatly enjoy spending as much time with them as possible without them getting a little freaked out.

6.  Working with Kim.  She listens, inspires, advises, tough-loves, and supports me.  She is helping me to be healthy, and for this I am most grateful.

What were you grateful for in 2012?

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