Tuesday, April 15, 2014

8 exceedingly pleasant benefits of going for a walk that have nothing to do with losing weight

1. You can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, and diabetes - all at once. And that's the best kind of multi-tasking.

2. You can increase circulation, which can speed up healing.

3. More oxygen to your brain = more amazing, interesting, and unique thoughts to share on Facebook.

4. If you time it right, you can come home to: a fully charged cell phone/laptop, a finished load of laundry, or a clean washer full of dishes.

5. If you do it regularly, you get to go shopping for walking shoes more often - and these days, walking shoes come in freakin' fantastic colors and designs.

6. You can strengthen your legs, butt, and thigh muscles, not to mention your core - always a plus.

7. If you do it outside, it gives you a big dose of Vitamin D, otherwise known as the happiness vitamin.

8. More time with your thoughts = you're that much closer to figuring it all out. And that's pretty much been our goal as humans ever since we decided to walk on two feet.

Walk well.

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