Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Strawberry season is finally here! It's the only time of year I like strawberries; any other time, they're rock hard and bland. But right now, they're ripe for the picking. I might have to finally make a pilgrimage to Larriland Farm to pick some of my own!

Driscoll's Berries retweeted my strawberry shortcake recipe. That's pretty awesome.

The weather is still nice enough (knock on wood) for walking. I think this past month was one of the best May's we've had in a long time, weather-wise. Considering I'm training for a 17-mile overnight walk at the end of June, I'm getting in all the time I can!

Pastries at Petit Louis. I finally got to try the chocolate croissant everyone's been raving about, and I am happy to report it was just as yummy as the hype led me to believe it would be. Light and flaky, with a decadent chocolate center. And they don't skimp on the chocolate like some places do - it's a full-on chocolate bonanza up in there!

Sous Chef's menu planning skills. I was on deadline for a magazine this weekend, so he took on the meal planning for the week. I am very grateful that our household doesn't hold to domestic stereotypes.

Miso soup. One of Sous Chef's experiments this week. He's been perfecting a recipe, so that means I fantastic start to the day. Nice and light, and so good for you. Plus, it reminds me of our trip to Mexico, where miso was served for breakfast every morning, to satisfy the Japanese clientele.
got to have leftover miso soup for breakfast. It makes a

Kupcakes and Co is experimenting with macarons, according to their Facebook page. Macarons are my new favorite cookie, so the more places that make them (well), the better!

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