Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Finally experiencing Larriland Farm. Making memories in a strawberry field.

The wonderful burden of being forced to come up with many different ways to use strawberries.

Just eating a plain old strawberry. No muss, no fuss. Just joy.

Making dinner even though you thought you didn't have the energy to cook dinner until you forced yourself to do it and it turned out to be pretty darn good.

The beautiful meditation that comes with forcing yourself to do something, and before you know it you're totally in the groove and glad you gave yourself that little nudge.

Air conditioning.

Not really needing said air conditioning until this week. In mid-June.

"Ambient Radio" on Pandora.

Re-discovering Yogalosophy and Mandy Ingber's delightful real-ness. Anyone who can joke around about our obsession with thigh gaps and at the same time remind me to be kind to myself gets an A+ in my book.

Long walks with longer audiobooks.

Water + Fruit. So simple. So delicious.

Embracing your passion, regardless of whether it "goes anywhere," because by just doing it, it can and will take you everywhere.

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