Tuesday, July 1, 2014

17 reasons to do a 17-mile overnight walk

1. It's for a really good cause. A really, really good cause.

2. You get to walk by a bunch of touristy spots, but in the middle of the night so you don't have to fight the crowds.

3. You can do it with your bestest of friends, which makes it seem like just a walk in the park. Especially while you're actually walking through a park.

4. It'll remind you that it's possible to bounce back from anything.

5. The heat and humidity of the summer will be swept away in the moonlight, leading to an ideal walking climate.

6. Bananas. You'll never be happier to eat a banana. And a well-timed Tootsie Pop will be your best weapon against fatigue.

7. Just when you think you can't walk any longer, you'll round a corner and find yourself greeted by applause, cheers, and high fives from a crowd of supporters.

8. You get to have the oddly transcendent experience of walking through Saturday night clubbing crowds wearing a backpack and headlamp. Très chic.

9. By the fifth or sixth hour, you're so tired and exhausted that a delightful delirium sets in and you feel like you could just keep on walking forever.

10. A balloon arch will magically become the most beautiful and miraculous thing you've ever seen.

11. There will be plenty of light to guide you to the finish line.

12. It'll give you really awesome battle scars that you can brag about to your friends.

13. The next day, your ass will be higher and firmer than it's been in years. Enjoy the view.

14. It's a really good excuse to go for a massage when you get home.

15. It'll give you a new appreciation for your bed, your shower, and your life.

16. Because it's really cool to be able to say, "Yeah, I stayed up all night and walked 17 miles while doing it." How many people can say that?

17. If it helps just one person come out of their own darkness, it will be well worth the effort.

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