Tuesday, July 8, 2014

PiYo Day 2: Define: Lower Body

Last night, I stayed up a tad late in order to do some arts and crafts:

I used Post-it strips to cover up the workouts on the 8-week calendar that came in my PiYo pack. Call it obsessive-compulsive, call it motivational. PoTAYto, poTAHto.

I also had the Sous Chef take my "before" photos and my body measurements. I didn't really look at any of it; I'm committed to taking the measurements, but at the same time, I don't want to entirely define my success by just the numbers (which I have a tendency to do). And I made sure to smile in my before photos, too. Nothing bothers me more than seeing before and after photos where the before person looks like they pulled an all-nighter and forgot to shower for about a week, and the after photo is a bonafide Glamazon, complete with mascara and fresh highlights in their hair.

Let's be real, folks. So smile I did.

Today's workout was only 25 minutes, but quite challenging. It was really hard to stay focused on engaging my core and making sure I was aligned - I kept wanting to keep up with the speed of the program, but found myself missing sets because I was so busy getting ready! Oh well, I'd rather miss a few sets than a few weeks due to injury!

I definitely needed the chair modification, especially when my weight was placed on my right leg - it's been significantly weaker since my February flare-up.

Afterward, I felt a little twinge of discomfort in my lower right back; I'm hoping it was just a muscle group "waking up" after months of not being used. I did some of my PT exercises to try to extra-engage my core right after the workout, and I took a nice long shower and applied some MSM gel - so far it feels okay.

In the shower, I noticed I was a tiny bit more flexible; since February, it's been really difficult to bend over long enough to shave my legs, and twisting certain ways is also more difficult. But this morning, I did those movements much more easily.

Progress? I'm afraid to believe it!

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