Saturday, August 30, 2014

PiYo Day 44: Sweat

What a difference a day makes.

Yesterday, I had to stop unexpectedly when my back decided against my working out.

Today, I woke up, rested and once again craving a workout. I've become one of those people who just can't wait to exercise. Don't hate me - you'll get there one day, too. That's what makes it so frustrating when my back has other plans.

I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to complete a workout program uninterrupted. I may have to do one week on, one week off. Or maybe a month of PiYo, a week of walking, then back to PiYo. Or perhaps a couple weeks of this, a month of that, a week of this other thing, then a couple more weeks of that first thing.

I may have to play it by ear; and that's sort of scary. Terrifying, actually. I am a person who likes control; who goes into something having thought of many possible outcomes, and having prepared for as many of them as possible. Aside from presents and parties, I don't really like surprises. Especially the ones that knock you on your ass for a month at a time and give you no sense of what the future holds.

On the other hand...

Some of my best moments have come after an unexpected surprise. In college, I was at an indoor rowing competition and found out it was my turn to row only seconds before I had to do it; I thought I was in a later heat. I strapped my feet in, my head spinning because I hadn't had time to prepare.

I ended up rowing a personal best.

I think the state of being caught unaware, of being unable to prepare, ended up giving me the fuel I needed to row faster and harder than I ever had before. Not being able to mull over the options, plan for any possible outcome, ended up being the key to my success.

Perhaps that is the whole point of this journey; learning to adapt my approach as things arise. Go with the flow. Roll with the punches.

Find comfort in the discomfort of not knowing.

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