15 Things It'd be Pretty Cool to Do
1. Get pet fox.
2. Train pet fox to not eat cats.
3. Go on all-inclusive tropical vacation and recreate photos from Beyonce's Instagram feed.
4. Have number of books read magically equal number of pounds shed.
5. Win $1,000,000 on Jeopardy! as a result of reading so many damn books.
6. Develop a steady blog following based on damn good recipes and cheeky commentary on life and stuff.
7. Remember to floss every day so I don't have to lie to hygienist at six-month checkup.
8. Drink hot chocolate in July and gin and tonic in March.
9. Learn to speak Italian.
10. Go to Italy and eat all food.
11. Fly first class to London and learn 29 new things.
12. Figure out way to get wine on tap at office.
13. Figure out way to smuggle cats into office.
14. Receive acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
15. Binge watch "Friends" on Netflix until television signal reaches critical mass and entire cast spontaneously appears in living room.
Nice blog. I thought I was the only one who did number 7!