Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Where all the white women at?

I want to go to Baltimore. I want to find someone, look them in the eye, and simply say, "Stop."

I want to remind the youth that they are destroying their own backyard. I want to ask them where they expect to buy bread tomorrow.

I want to join the vast majority of protesters - peaceful protesters - and support not only the accountability of law enforcement, but the respect of those in their custody.

I want to help.

I want to scream at people. I want to hug people. I want to slap people. I want to cry with people.

I want the mega-media to stop showing this and start showing this.

I want to go to the Aquarium and tell the fish that it will be okay.

I want to go to Camden Yards and have the cheering of 45,000 overcome the ignorance of 45.

But I can't. Because I'm scared.

I can't trust that I won't run in to a member of the 45.

I can't trust that mob mentality won't reduce me to the quickly evaluated color of my skin.

I can't trust that a coward with a knife won't slash my tires and leave me stranded.

I can't trust that the person I look in the eye won't look right back at me and throw a brick at my head.

Even with all my hope and respect and love for the majority of humanity, I'm still afraid of the minority*.

But what would happen if I could trust? What would happen then?

Is this what it feels like to be a victim of racism and socioeconomic prejudice? To not be able to do what you want to do for fear of being assumed to be something you're not?

If it is, then I don't like it one bit.

It needs to stop.

*I'm also afraid you'll misinterpret my use of the word "minority." Please don't.

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