Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Summer storms. They sweep away the heat and humidity, they're a wonder to behold, and they give my car a free wash. Win-win-win situation.

Sleeping in on a Tuesday. Despite the furry ones' every attempt to rouse me, I prevailed. And they eventually caught on and snuggled in beside me.

Magnetic clasps. Especially for bracelets. A dream for any independent accessorizer.

Summer produce. The cantaloupes are starting to come in, and the berries have been juicy and delicious for weeks now. I always think of my Grandpa when I sit down with a big bowl of fruit - especially cherries - and that's always a nice thought to have.

Homemade dry shampoo. My superfine hair can't handle being washed every day, so I've been using this recipe for months now to get me through the gap days. Plus, it makes me smell like chocolate, which is never a bad thing.

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