Thursday, June 4, 2015

{small potatoes}

dark matters
1. Just when I thought there was no hope for the future, I found out that young people are doing this, and just like that - my hope was renewed. Now pass me the bourbon.

2. Speaking of the darker spirits...

3. Chimpy is kicking my ass, and I couldn't be happier about it. My inner athlete has officially awakened - I'm thinking the way I used to think during my college rowing days. I want to wear yoga pants 24/7 - not because they're comfortable, but because they're comfortable and I want to move. I have tons of energy. My entire body's toning up. I want to Rock It.

4. A little sugar is okay, according to this BuzzFeed UK article. I enjoyed reading it not only for the educational aspects, but since it's written for a British audience, it measures things in grams, spells fiber like "fibre", and cites "a pint of Guinness" in a list of the sugar content in various alcoholic beverages - always a plus for this anglophile...

5. I love TED talks. You can learn about science, love, and perseverance, all in ten minutes. Here is a playlist the TED people curated of words to live by.

6. So I've been "borrowing" my dad's digital camera for...three years? Four? I lost count a long time ago. I recently "borrowed" a light, stand, and a couple of diffuser umbrellas to play around with artificial lighting (because let's face it, when you only have windows on one side of your house and you work for the majority of the daylight hours, you gotta adapt). I recently found this video which conveniently sums up those fancy settings on the camera. Time to play!

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