Thursday, August 25, 2011

Dunkable Dream Treat: The Triple Double Oreo

I'm not sure when my eyes first came upon these:

It may have been a print ad, or it could have been a television commercial - maybe an internet ad?  Regardless of when I saw them, the bottom line was the same: I had to try them.

Oreos and I have a long and storied past.  I grew up with the certainty that at any given time, there were sure to be Oreos nestled in the bowels of our cookie jar that - yes - was shaped like an Oreo cookie.  I have eaten Oreos in every way: twist, lick, then dunk the bare cookies, dunk the whole cookie, float the entire cookie in milk then scoop it up with a big spoon and devour it in one bite, and the occasional no-time-for-dunking-just-eat-it-as-is method.  I've collected the cream of several cookies and saved it for last.  I've scraped the cream off with my teeth, and I've used only my tongue to lick it off in several strokes.  I've experimented to see if I could twist off the cookie gently enough to keep all of the cream on one side.

In short, I have done my Oreo homework.

And today, with one perfect storm (Hurricane Irene) set to barrel her way up the East coast, I had another perfect storm brewing in my kitchen.  I very rarely have milk in my refrigerator - we usually opt for hemp or almond milk - but today I did.  I am using milk in a cocktail I'm making for the 24x24 event on Saturday, so I've got some nice fresh 2% goodness sitting in the fridge.  And in the cupboard: my new, unopened bag of Triple Double Oreos.

Milk and Oreos.  The other perfect storm:

Caution: The above-pictured "snack" will set you back about 400 calories.  Each cookie is 100 calories by itself, and the milk adds about another hundred.  You'd think that a snack food that has celebrity athletes endorsing it would have some sort of redeeming health value, but you'd be wrong.  This is junk food, plain and simple.  A little goes a long way.  I only had two cookies, and that was almost too much for my sweet tooth to handle.  So snack wisely, my friends.

And don't forget to dunk.

Eat well.

What's your go-to junk food?  What steps do you take to make sure you don't overindulge?

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see your 24x24 post! There are so many snacks that I keep me from over-indulging? I don't keep them in the house! If I bring oreos in, they are eaten morning, noon and night til they're gone! I am well aware that I have NO will power! if I'm craving something sweet, I'll go out for a scoop of ice-cream....or anything that requires no snacks inside!

    ...sometimes I'm weak and I purchase oreos or chips ahoy, I love them with milk!
