Lil Bub - meet Big Bob. |
3. Have you met Lil Bub yet? If you haven't, you better familiarize. Kitty's about to take over the world.
4. So…I'm working on getting my real estate license. Hence the lack of posts. And the sudden obsession with metes-and-bounds.
5. I ordered this because I read this. Then I promptly remembered that my lower back is similar to a 78-year-old's, and I immediately regretted my purchase. I shall try it nonetheless; I mean, what do I have to lose? Oh - all feeling in the lower half of my body as well as the remaining scraps of mobility to which I have so desperately cleaved? Gotcha.
But just barely. |
wonder so many people have trouble learning English.
7. Speaking of which, I have had to whip out my Spanish skills several times at work over the past few weeks. This has served to remind me of just how much Spanish I have forgotten due to lack of use. I've pitched the idea of my boss sending me to a Mexican resort for a few weeks to brush up, but so far he hasn't emailed me back. I'm not conteniendo mi respiracion.
8. Come bien.
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