Saturday, February 22, 2014

Small Potatoes

I don't know why.
1. Can I tell you a little secret? A guilty pleasure of mine is the show Lazy Town. It's a kid's show, complete with puppets, hammy acting, musical numbers, and cheesy sound effects. I think the simple plot lines and bright colors are helping to heal my back.

2. Since I can't really move around too much lately, I've been pursuing my goal of reading more. Because really, how can I expect to write well if I don't read well as...well, well? I'm really into murder mysteries/thrillers right now. They might not be at the literary caliber of Shakespeare, but it's a good way of easing myself into the habit of reaching for a paperback instead of a remote.

3. Is anyone else as annoyed as I am that three episodes of Sherlock apparently constitutes an entire season? I waited so long for it to come back, and only got three shots of it before it went away again. I find myself flipping the channel to WETA UK just to hear the accent and laugh at the witty dry humor. It's like a Sherlock patch.

4. Ooh, maybe I should watch Bridget Jones' Diary for the thousandth time.

5. Another upside to being in near constant pain/discomfort and taking drugs with the side effect of appetite suppression? I've lost about seven pounds since this whole thing started. I can really see it in my face. Sometimes I get scared that if I really do it, if I really lose a lot of weight, that I won't like the way my face looks without puffy cheeks. It might be the tramadol talking, but after just seven pounds, I feel like my eyes look bigger. Oh well; if Zooey Deschanel can pull it off, so can I.

6. Wow. I just found Lazy Town in Spanish. This is just too much. Too much happiness.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I used to love watching Lazy Town when I used to teach at a daycare center. The kids would beg me to put it on during free time. I think I secretly loved it more than the kids no matter how cheesy the storylines were. -Liz H.
