Tuesday, March 4, 2014


1. Self-sufficiency: I can brush my teeth and tie my shoes and all sorts of other things I couldn't do a few weeks ago.

2. Dr. Fat Ass: He doesn't sugar coat the fact that I have a large derriere and that significant weight loss would benefit my health tremendously. But he is kind and encouraging in his bluntness, and he is giving me the straightforward motivation I need to change the course of my well being.

3. Dr. Fat Ass's sports tape: The fodder for many a rear-centric pun, it's giving me both physical support as well as the mental boost I need to wrap my head around my recovery. Plus it comes in all sorts of cool designs which make me feel very hard core.

4. My Sleep Number bed: One of the best investments I ever made; accommodating to the end.

5. Helpful neighbors: Our upstairs neighbor knows that my back's been out of commission, and she knew that Sous Chef was away from home during the latest snow storm. She shoveled my car out without batting an eye, saying, "That's just what good neighbors do."

6. Books: I recently read that reading fiction improves your cognitive function, because painting
those vivid pictures in your head engages the entire brain. Not even the most thrilling episode of House of Cards can do that.

7. Orange nail polish: Just $2.95 can buy you a pinch of springtime in the midst of a blizzard.

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