Saturday, March 1, 2014

Small Potatoes

Now that's a hunk of meat.
1. Those smoothies must be working, because this doesn't tempt me in the least. And believe me, that's saying a lot - our family used to go to Taco Bell every Sunday. We lovingly called ourselves "Episco-taco-palians".

2. As much as I love my veggie-powered smoothies, I am pretty proud of the fact that when you Google search images of "big fat hunk of beef" (my blog stats informed me that someone did), one of my pictures is the third image that comes up.

3. My back injury-induced reading marathon continues. Check out this list of 22 books you pretend you've read but actually haven't. I've read nine of them, but of those nine I only clearly remember the plot lines of five of them. I think I'll add some to my Goodreads "to-read" list.

4. Except The Catcher in the Rye. I remember hating that book. I thought Holden Caulfield was a spoiled asshole. I have to deal with enough of those in real life, I don't want to have to read about them in my precious spare time.

5. And now I'm second-guessing my original fifteen-year-old interpretation of that character. Hey literary-minded people out there - do I need to give that book another try?

6. I think I second-guess myself too much. Maybe I should think about that some more.

7. I love how, even 10 years after the finale, people are still writing stuff about "Friends". Like this if "Friends" has used suggested hashtags. Or this list of 24 reasons why Ross Geller is the best.
theoretical post on

8. Wow, I really miss that show.


  1. Holden Caulfield! Ha ha ha! Hope your back is getting better!

  2. You're ahead of me - I've read six of those books (that is, if I'm allowed to count Cliff's Notes). "Of Mice and Men" terrified me at the time - too much for my 13 year old, suburban, middle-class, privileged brain.

    1. Cliff's Notes definitely count. I figure, the effort was put forth to comprehend it - that counts!

  3. I re-read Catcher in the Rye last year when my teenaged daughter had it assigned and kept leaving it lying around. I'm with you...spoiled rich kid.
    If you hated it in school, you'll still hate it.

  4. Also? 9 out of the 25 for me too...although I think I should get to count The Fountainhead since I DID read Atlas Shrugged...and really, isn't it the same thing only Atlas was much longer?
