Thursday, August 30, 2012

Musings on Juicing, Pt. 2

(Did you miss my intro about the cleanse?  Want to know why I'm subjecting myself to this?  Go here.)

Juice Cleanse: Day 1 Diary
(except this isn't really a diary; some things have been exaggerated because let's face it, it's funnier that way)

10:00 - Juice arrives via Fed Ex.  I'm so excited, I nearly kiss the delivery man.  (This is an example of exaggeration - the delivery guy was all sweaty and gross and I wouldn't have kissed him anyway because my husband looks like Bradley Cooper)

10:02 - Open the box; looks like it belongs in space - all metallic and cold due to the packing supplies.  Ooh, along with my juice, I get a handy dandy insulated bag and a dozen ice packs!  Score!

10:03 - First juice of the day.  Green juice.  Tastes like a green juice I had at Great Sage once.  Earthy but sweet.  It's amazing how sweet it is, even though the only fruit in it is apple.  Nature is amazing.

11:00 - I have to pee.

11:05 - I have to pee.

11:10 - I have to pee.

11:15 - I have to pee.

12:00 - Time for the pineapple juice.  It's tasty!  It tastes like a cocktail, minus the booze.  I might have to remember this flavor combination when I'm not cleansing and want a cocktail.



1:30 - I can't take it anymore!  Third juice!  What?!  More green?  Oh well, at least it's yummy.  I don't know what people were complaining about - I love the green juice!

2:00 - Why aren't I hungry?  I should be hungry by now, or perhaps just feeling icky, because I so didn't prep the few days beforehand like they recommended.  I kept saying, Oh, my cleanse doesn't start for another three days - I can have another helping of potatoes.  And before I knew it, I was saying, Oh, crap, my cleanse starts in six hours - I shouldn't have had that pie…  And yet I feel great!

4:00 - More juice!  Hey, this is just like that Master Cleanse stuff - remember that episode of The Office when they were trying as a group to lost weight?  Kelly was so Master Cleansing!  Hilarious!  I gotta watch that again…oh, here it is!

6:00 - Oh God.  Beet juice.  Beets and some other stuff, yes, but it's pink.  No me gusta beets.  Sous Chef loves them, and I have tried to like them, for his sake, but no go.  Beets are icky.  And this tastes like beets.  Oh dear.

6:10 - I am positive this must be staining my teeth like Angela's from that episode of The Office, where she's doing the beet cleanse in preparation for carrying Dwight's child.  And I probably shouldn't be drinking this while sitting on our white quilt.  That's just tempting fate.

8:00 - Final juice of the day; Cashew milk!  Oh, so creamy!  Oh, so sweet!  Oh, so loaded with fat and protein!  Oh my gracious!  This almost makes up for that icky beet juice..

9:00 - Bedtime - because I have the sleep schedule of an old, old lady.

9:15 - Darn it.  I have to pee.

10:30 - Darn it.  I have to pee again.

11:30 - Again?!  Perhaps this is why they tell you to try to finish your last juice at least two hours before bedtime…

12:00 - 8:00 - Zzzzzz……….

For more:

Juice Cleanse: Day 2 Diary
Juice Cleanse: Day 3 Diary

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