Friday, August 31, 2012

Musings on Juicing, Pt. 3

(Juice Cleanse: The Anticipation)
(Juice Cleanse: Day 1 Diary)

Juice Cleanse: Day 2 Diary

8:00 - Wake up.  I feel good!  Aside from having to pee approximately twenty times last night, I feel refreshed, and amazingly enough, still not hungry!  What is up with that?  How can six bottles of juice be enough to fill me up for the day?

9:00 - Green juice time!  Let's see, if I space these two hours apart, then that will have me drinking my last juice at seven.  Perfect!

10:00 - Oh dear, I have lots of errands to run.  Will need to bring juice with me.  Hooray for the handy dandy insulated bag and ice packs!  Pack juices two and three with three ice packs, just to be safe.  Ready to go!

11:00 - Juice two, en route to a wellness center to interview people and take pictures for an article I'm writing about healthy eating and living in Howard County.  Ironic that while I'm talking to all these people about being healthy, I feel so good and healthy myself!

12:00 - Oh no.  I have to drive past the Taco Bell?!  Directly past it?!  Not fair!  I feel good, but there's definitely a part of me that could go for some nachos right about now!  Cravings aren't as bad as yesterday, though - I feel stronger today.

1:00 - Juice #3, sitting in the parking lot of my next interview.  Feel a little sketchy, like a juice junkie, hiding in my car and guzzling juice - have to get one last fix before I go out into the world and talk to people!

1:30 - I am amazing!  I am awesome!  I am thirsty!

2:00 - Back at home, and I want to eat.  Weird.  I had no thoughts about eating until I got home and put on the Netflix.  Interesting, and yet not surprising at all.  I am conditioned to want to eat when I watch TV.  Who knew?

2:30 - I love Netflix.  I do not love these unwarranted food cravings.  Now I want nachos and cupcakes.

2:45 - Good Lord, is it time for my next juice yet?  I'm getting antsy over here, twiddling my thumbs and trying to distract myself so I don't have this overwhelming urge to eat!

3:00 - Thank God - Juice time!

4:00 - And…I want to eat again.  It's a weird feeling - I'm not technically hungry; I just want the sensation of chewing.  It's purely tactile - that is, if your mouth can indeed crave tactile stimulation, and I think it can.  Because mine does.

5:00 - Juice time.  Beets.  Ew.  It's good, but only if you like beets.  And Sous Chef is making dinner, too, which makes this even more difficult.  He's making corn fritters.  He never makes corn fritters.  So of course, he has to make them on one of the three days out of our marriage when I can't eat them.


6:00 - I can do this.  I can do this.  I don't really want that delicious-looking, crispy, crunchy, tactile-y stimulating corn fritter.  Nope.  I don't want it.  Not at all.  Just like in that song from the 80's, I ain't missin' you at all…except that, just like in the song, I'M LYING!

7:00 - Thank all that is Good and Pure for this cashew milk.  Corn fritters?!  We don't need no stinking corn fritters!  I could sit here all night, blogging and writing and petting my kitty cats, and I would be perfectly happy not having a corn fritter.  I have cashew milk.

7:30 - My cashew milk is gone.

7:31 - I want a corn fritter.

7:32 - No, I don't.

7:33 - Yes, I do.

7:35 - I'll be okay.  Only thirteen more hours until my next juice.

7:40 - Thank goodness for library cards and this book.  Distracting myself like a toddler who wants candy.  Look at the booky-wooky!

(Go here for Juice Cleanse: Day 3 Diary)

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