Saturday, September 1, 2012

Musings on Juicing, Pt. 4

In case you missed it:

Juice Cleanse: Part 1 [Intro]
Juice Cleanse: Day 1
Juice Cleanse: Day 2

Juice Cleanse: Day 3 Diary

7:30 - Awake and ready to do a phone interview at 8:00.  Think I'll drink my juice now, since slurping whilst interviewing isn't the most professional way to present myself.

8:30 - Phone interview was great - I love talking to people who have taken charge of their lives and have dedicated themselves to helping others improve themselves.  Cool timing with this juice cleanse, too!

9:30 - I'm loving this pineapple juice, but I'm pretty sure it's giving me a canker sore.  It's too yummy though!

9:45 - Confession: I broke down and ate a cold corn fritter.  It was quite yummy.  And since it's comprised entirely of vegetables (Sous Chef knows how to cook delightful vegetables!), I figured it was almost like juice.  Except…not.  Oh well.  It's better than a slice of cake, I suppose!

10:00 - Bored.  Bored.  Bored.  I am so happy that I start my new job soon - need the routine.  Feel kind of blah.  Want to eat.  From boredom, mind you, not hunger.

10:15 - Distracting myself with Zynga Bingo, The Office on Netflix, and The Passage.  I think I might have ADD.  Oh well.  This book is fantastic.  I love when a book transports you and you get totally lost in it.  Though I don't like how Michael Scott keeps interrupting the characters.  I think I might have to turn the TV off.  Maybe I don't have ADD after all…

11:45 - Got so caught up in my book that I forgot to drink my juice at 11:30!

12:16 - Is it bad that it's officially afternoon and I am still in my pajamas?  The thing about finally getting a job is that now I have a definite end date for my "summer vacation" - so I really want to enjoy it while it lasts!  Now that I know my relaxation time will come to an end, I can actually relax.  Hmm.  See, deadlines work for me…

12:36 - How did these pistachios end up in my lap?  And why is The Office still on?

1:45 - In case you were wondering…still in my pajamas.

2:30 - …reading

3:00 - …more reading

4:00 - …"can't put down the book" reading

4:30 - I guess I should take a shower now - I've got an editorial meeting with Her Mind magazine in a couple hours.  Probably wouldn't look too professional if I went in my too-tight tank top and purple butterfly pajama bottoms…

5:30 - Chugging my cashew milk en route to meeting.  God, this stuff is good.  The only downside - the cashew sludge that sits at the bottom of the bottle.  I feel like I'm wasting valuable fat and protein!

6:30 - How did this pesto prosciutto pizza get on my plate?  The salad I could understand, but pizza?!  I hate it when food simply materializes on my plate - feel as though I must eat it lest I be mistaken for a rude and haughty person.  At least it's homemade.  I guess I'll find out what happens when you don't strictly ease yourself back in to solid food…bottoms up!

9:05 - Still feel good!  Watching Frasier (I bet you thought I was going to say The Office!) and drinking water.  Cats are busy catching moths outside.  Sous Chef is eating leftover pizza I snagged from the generous hostess.  All is well.

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