Tuesday, September 25, 2012


1.  Pumpkin Spice K-cups.  I needn't explain more.

2.  Cats who appreciate good coffee; and who, even though they have thumbs, haven't figured out how to use the coffee machine and drink all my coffee.  Yet.

3.  A husband who loves me and took such good care of me when I was sick as a dog on Friday and Saturday that I spent the entire two days thanking him and asking him if he was sure he still loved me and felt so very relieved when he simply replied, "Yes, of course I do."

4.  The Office is back; and since they know it's the last season, the writers are (hopefully) going to do all kinds of crazy things now that there's no turning back.

5.  Fresh air.  It makes everything seem more possible.

6.  Seeing the mock-up of what will be my very first official Writing Gig.  It looks so cool and so real and it is real.  And my name is on it.  Check it out in November, HoCo-ers - Her Mind magazine.  Four-page spread.  Oh, my.

7.  A productive trip to BJ's Wholesale.  Now I have enough healthy, pre-portioned snacks for nearly a month.  Boo-yah.  Take that, compulsive impulsive snack grabbing.

8.  I found another Eagles fan at work.  We shall take over the world…one Ravens fan at a time.

1 comment:

  1. I love your optimism and appreciation for the good things in life! We both were feeling pretty crummy on Saturday...By the way, I don't think I can ever be converted to be an Eagles fan :p -Liz
