Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Small, Juicy Potatoes

{As you know, I participated in a three-day juice cleanse last week, courtesy of the folks at BluePrint Cleanse.  This edition of Small Potatoes is dedicated to thoughts I had during and as a result of my cleanse.}

1.  I like chewing things.  By the end of the first day on the cleanse, I wanted to chew my arm just to have something solid in my mouth.  No amount of delicious cashew milk will ever replace the sensation of real food.

2.  It turns out I don't need to stuff my face in order to feel full.  Who knew?  Sixteen ounces of nutrient-packed liquid every two hours and I was good to go.  Aside from wanted to chew my arm, of course.

3.  I like when I don't have to think about what I'm going to eat.  I had three days' worth of "meals" in my refrigerator, and I swear, I had 67% more space in my brain to think thoughts other than "What's for breakfast/lunch/dinner/boredom snack?"  Further proof that having a meal plan works.

4.  I don't like beet juice.  It just tastes too beety.  The Sous Chef really wants me to like beets.  So yesterday he put them together with goat cheese, roasted garlic, and caramelized onions and then threw all of that into fresh pasta to make ravioli.  Now I like beets - but only in goat cheese ravioli form.

5.  I noticed something rather interesting; when I was out and about, drinking my juice, keeping busy, I wasn't hungry at all.  But when I was at home, watching TV or doing other idle activities, I wanted to eat so badly.  It was like a billboard that said, "Guess what?  You're a boredom eater!"  It's like I was so antsy and needed stimulation so much that I wanted to be eating something in order to just give myself something to do.  Weird.
6.  I had crazy amounts of energy.  Really crazy; energy like I haven't had in a really long time.  The only thing I can compare it to is when I was on the Daniel Fast.  I just felt lighter and like moving from Point A to Point B wasn't that big of a deal.  I didn't feel as weighed down and my whole attitude was better.

7.  Bonus that comes with juicing: No cutie-pie animals were harmed during the course of my cleanse.  Unless you count my cats, who were the victims of extra cuddle sessions due to my above-mentioned bursts of energy.

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