Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Little Peanut just a few months ago - ergo, antique filter.
1.  Tough love.  Normally, I don't respond well to tough love.  But after a week of feeling like I was on such a bad path that I would be dead by Thanksgiving, Kim told me exactly what I needed to hear.  I won't go into details, but it was the definition of tough love.  Emphasis on the love - I could tell that as she was typing it to me, she was trying her best to inspire me to change my life before it was too late.  I could tell that she had been there before.

2.  Visits from cute nephews.  Little Peanut is so much bigger than the last time I saw him; and yet, still so small.  I spent the weekend watching him do things like stare at a spoon, crawl around and pull himself up to stand, and drool constantly.  And I loved it.

3.  Dolce running out of the house ahead of me.  It's our little routine.  I gather all of my things, barely have enough fingers free to open the door, and out she goes.  This forces me to put down everything I'm carrying, pick her up, and whisper in her ear "Goodbye, Mama loves you."  After that, she contentedly allows me to deposit her back inside and scurries off into the house.  I think it's her way of saying "Have a good day."

4.  Being totally okay with being a (Crazy) Cat (Lady) Person.  I love my cats.  They love me.  That's all I need.

5.  Sous Chef finally seeing what I see in him.  He had the opportunity to be the host for a world-renowned organization that embraces farm-to-table dining to the extreme.  They're the ones that have those cool dinners in the middle of vineyards at the long tables with crisp white tablecloths.  His name was at the top of the menu, in big letters.  For the first time, instead of being shy and modest about it, he just enjoyed the attention.  I am so proud of him.

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