Sunday, October 7, 2012

Small Potatoes

1.  I just noticed the other day, on the label of my husband's super-charged dark roast coffee, that the French labeling describes the roast as "trés intense".  Oui, oui, c'est trés intense…I drank that variety just once and I was literally vibrating twenty minutes later.

2.  I've been on a yeast-free, sugar-free, unnecessary crap in my food-free food plan for just one week, and…holy moly.  It's like I'm a different person.  I'm happy, energetic, clear-headed, and focused.  It's absolutely mind-blowing and amazing and wonderful.  I want to feel like this forever.

3.  Kim Ludeman is awesome.  Not only is she giving me nutrition coaching from the other side of the country, she's got a great blog with fantastic recipes.  The other day, she suggested I try sautéing apples in coconut oil and then drizzling them with almond butter.  Oh my Granny Smith.  You have got to try it.

4.  Speaking of coconut oil, how many of you out there use it?  I'd never used it until I made those apples a few minutes ago.  Can you use it in savory foods?  Does it give it a coconutty flavor?  How does it work in baking - do you have to melt it before you add it to recipes?

5.  I think I need to do some research on coconut oil.

6.  So I'm attempting and failing miserably at one of those Instagram/Twitter "Photo A Day" things.  I found out about it from Adrienne the Blogger Mom (that's what I call her at home since I know a couple of Adrienne's and it confuses the Sous Chef when I don't elaborate as to which Adrienne I am referring).  It's day 7 and I've posted…twice.  Oh well.  I tried.

7.  The Sous Chef and I are going to dress up for the Renaissance Festival this year.  I am both terrified and ecstatic.  It's like I'm finally indulging that über-geeky side of me that wanted to dress up all those years I went as a kid but never had the guts to do it.  I shall be a tavern wench.  Ye be warned.


  1. I use coconut oil in smoothies. I've also added it to oatmeal made with coconut milk. I've read you can use it in baking as well. I think it would make a great substitute for vegetable oil in a granola recipe (better for you and better tasting!) Here is an awesome chart I use (lots of oil info):
