Sunday, November 11, 2012

Breaking Bread

I woke up this morning, and I was angry.

Note the clenched fist.  I was pissed.
Angry at my body for being taken over by yeast.

Angry at myself for letting my body get taken over by yeast.

Angry that it took me this long to figure it out.

Angry that some of my favorite foods are actually making me sick.

Angry that the holidays are coming up and I have to completely rethink and plan for what I'm going to eat.

Just angry.

Luckily, I had the perfect thing to take it out on: a loaf of bread.

Yeasty, sugary, perfectly bready bread.

Thanks to the Sous Chef, this was a well-documented event.

The breaking of bread.  Raw style.

With each whack I let go of some of my anger.

Whack bread whack cookies whack sugar whack cake whack pastries whack whack whack whack whack.

I felt much, much better afterwards.

I don't know when, if ever, I'll be able to eat these things again without feeling sick.

I'm still figuring out if I am okay with this or if I should just resign myself to feeling sick and eating these things anyway.

I'm still figuring out what's more important to me.

I'm still figuring out what the heck candidiasis is.

In the meantime, I know how to make myself feel better:

Just give me a mallet and a little space.

Eat well.

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