Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Tiny Rant About A Big Problem

Watch this:

Now tell me, do you find anything the least bit offensive about this ad?

Perhaps the 1950's-era housewives dancing and slaving and yet always looking perfect because God forbid a single hair be out of place, lest they appear less than immaculate for their hard-working husbands?

Or maybe it's the three or four men who appear only at the end of the ad, sitting at the table, waiting to be served?

Sorry, Smithfield, but simply eliminating the feminizing suffix from the word "hostess" does not make this an acceptable ad campaign for the 21st century.

In my house, we're both the hosts.  We're both contributing.  We're both participating.  We're both helping.

Because that's what the holidays are about - working and laughing and playing and sweating and cleaning and celebrating together.

Rant done.

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