Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gratituesday Strikes Back

{Remember when I promised to post every week about things I am grateful for?
Well, that was a year ago, and I did it...
...9 times.
But you forgive me, right?  Yes!
And for that, I am very grateful.}

Here we go.  Again.

1.  This video of a dog getting really excited about fall leaves:

2.  The cooling weather, because it makes the little ones fluffier and more likely to snuggle.

3.  Season 3 of The Walking Dead comes to Netflix this Sunday.  This is exciting to me because we don't have cable, so I have to sit here and wait for my favorite shows to come to Netflix, like some kind of chump.  Oh well, if my wardrobe is a few seasons behind, my TV might as well be, too.

4.  My new PT doctor is directly across the street from where I work.  Muy conveniente.

5.  Spotify.  It allows me to make playlists which no one else in their right mind would care to listen to, unless their name was ME.  Beyonce, the Wicked soundtrack, MC Hammer - my musical tastes are about as diverse as a jumbo bag of Halloween candy.

6.  Speaking of which, Halloween is coming!  Spider webs!  Pumpkin gunk all over my hands!  Pretending I'm not at home so I don't have to give my delicious candy to neighborhood children!

What are you grateful for this week?

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