Friday, March 7, 2014

The law of attraction

I remember being obsessed with The Secret when it came out. I listened to the audiobook over and over again, willing the law of attraction to work for me. To this day, I use many of the practices the book discusses in my daily life. I visualize the things I want, painting as detailed a picture as I can in my mind. I try to avoid thinking negative thoughts, not wanting to put that out there in the Universe. I say affirmations.

A lot of people say the law of attraction is a bunch of hooey, but I guarantee that it's not. It is real.

Case in point: For several years, I've been following the blog and novels of Stacey Ballis, a fiction novelist who specializes in foodie fiction. Several of her books revolve around food, and she includes lots of delicious recipes within the pages. I really like her writing voice; it's humorous and genuine - it's like I'm reading my own thoughts whenever I pick up one of her books.

I've even tweeted Stacey a few times, and she usually is kind enough to respond. Always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside when a celebrity reaches out like that.

Anyway, she's coming out with a cookbook soon, and she hosted a contest on her blog to name the book. I submitted an idea, and my idea was one of the three finalists.

How does the law of attraction factor into this?

I've wanted to read her novel Out To Lunch ever since it was published, but haven't gotten around to it. When I recently re-discovered my love of reading, I went looking for Out To Lunch at the library. Alas, our library system, amazing as it is, doesn't carry it.

I kept the image of the cover of the book in my head. I kept reminding myself that I wanted to read it, that I needed to order it from Amazon. It was always there, in the back of my mind.

And today, it arrived on my doorstep; my prize for being a finalist in the book-naming contest.

See? Law of attraction. It works.

How has the law of attraction affected your life?


  1. I'm personally not a huge fan of The Secret, but I do agree with the general principle: If you're positive, you'll attract good things into your life, and vice versa. I just wish Miss Byrne had included some actionable "how to" content in her book to supplement The Law Of Attraction; in other words, what to do actually DO to become successful. Yes, visualization and desire are important, but you still need a plan, and you still need to take action. Having said that, I wasn't alone in that opinion, and Hero did a much better job at that, so maybe she listened to the feedback.

    1. You're right, it doesn't just take positive thoughts, it takes positive ACTIONS towards your goal. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Love your story about LOA Elizabeth!

    I agree, the law of attraction does work! Always. It has changed my life in every way, once I got the hang of applying conscious creation to my life (the art of using that LOA). The biggest one was- I was on the verge of bankruptcy and began changing my thoughts, beliefs, etc...I started a company with $50 and in 5 years it had revenues of $5 million a year. I applied it to love and married the love of my life in Figi (at age 52).

    Yeah, it works SO much I wrote a book about exactly HOW I got it to work so well. Last year "The Map - To Our Responsive Universe, Where Dreams Really Do Come True" was published and readers are changing their lives too. So. Much. Fun!

    Thanks for the post Elizabeth!

  3. Congrats on attracting the book you wanted! Absolutely the Law of Attraction works--whether we believe in it or not. That's true with any of nature's laws.

    To Marcus's point, yes we must take actions--but we will manifest what we want in our lives faster and more easily when we take "inspired action" (like entering the book naming contest) as opposed to slogging away at a list of things someone else tells us we should be doing.

    The Secret is a basic, introduction to the Law--and opened the eyes of many to this powerful law we can use in our lives, but it is not the entire story. There are many tools that we can learn in order to better apply the LOA so we achieve what we want (like a great book!) rather than what we do not want.
