Monday, June 23, 2014

Small Potatoes

My obsession with putting fruits and veggie-wannabe fruits into my drinks continues. Now, when I drink plain old water, I get a little sad. It's how I imagine Dorothy felt when she woke up back in Kansas and was like, "Where the eff did the Technicolor go?"

I don't quite understand the "Chicken Fat" iPhone commercials. Is it supposed to be telling me that I can get rid of excess fat via all of Apple's awesome fitness apps? But why "chicken fat"? Last time I checked, chickens don't really get fat - at least, not when they're allowed to run around big open fields and eat bugs and stuff. So maybe Apple's telling us to go do that.

Remember when Apple came out with the first iMac and it came in all those bright colors and it was just the coolest thing ever? Everything matched - the monitor, the mouse, the keyboard. So cool. Remember when it was in Zoolander? Remember Zoolander?

I finally own a bottle of Pimm's. It's part of my obsession with the fact that my brother-in-law is moving to England and fulfilling my lifelong dream of doing just that. So I am living vicariously through his plans and learning as much as I can about British culture and passing it along to him as he prepares for the journey.

Today's Pimm's cocktail was simple, since it was my first one: 1.5 ounces of Pimm's in a tall glass full of ice, topped off with DRY cucumber soda. Refreshing!

Speaking of cucumbers, have you tried this salad yet? I just bought two more pints of blueberries so I could make more. So simple. So yum.

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