Saturday, July 12, 2014

PiYo Day 6: Define: Lower Body

This is the first weekend in over a month that we haven't been traveling 2+ hours away from home.

Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. So nice.

I woke up today and peeled off the Post-It covering today's workout: Lower body (again!). Sous Chef gave me a nice compliment about my waist cinching in (I still don't see it), then he left to go on a trip to the county dump (it really is an experience). I was revved up and ready to workout.



I really need to buy myself a workout tank with a picture of a slow-moving tortoise on it.

I still can't comfortably do warrior three or the three-point balance; basically, anything where I have to bend over and extend a leg. My back is really tight when I try it, and I don't want to push it too far. I'm also really wary of anything that rotates my hips too much, since my chiro has told me that my left hip's natural turn inward tends to rotate my lower back out of alignment as well. I'm still not sure how to work this permanent physicality of myself into a flexible and healthy lifestyle, but I'll never stop trying.

I still find those negative thoughts worming their way into my mind while I'm working out. Come They trickle in any time a difficult situation presents itself; whether it's choosing a salad over a hamburger or watching someone prance and zoom down a park path effortlessly while I trudge along, one step at a time.
to think of it, they try to sabotage me even when I'm not sprawled out on my yoga mat.

I need to remind myself what Chalene says: "The only person you're in competition with is yourself." And when I think of it that way, I do see progress and improvement and positive work. Five months ago, I couldn't move an inch, let alone walk, stretch, or even brush my teeth comfortably.

I've come a long way.

I'm only where I am; I can't be anywhere but here. If I compare myself to others, I'll either get a false sense of superiority or a significant whack to my self-esteem. So screw it. No more apologizing for not being where I'm "supposed" to be.

I'm right here, and that's fantastic.

Go be amazing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so impressed with you! I'm wondering if I should try it too - I'll be curious to see how you like it as the 3 months roll on. I'm looking for something new to inspire me!
