Friday, July 11, 2014

PiYo Day 5: Rest (and a Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake)

A rest day?

Don't mind if I do.

This week has been challenging; starting a new workout program always is. Excitement at the novelty. Frustration when the movements don't come naturally. Perseverance to finish even if it's not perfect.

It takes it out of you.

Friday is the perfect day for Rest; you've made it through the week, you've got the whole weekend in front of you. It's time to celebrate your accomplishments and rev up for the weekend.

Friday is a day for indulgence. And this blog is about learning to make those indulgences healthier.

In my first job out of college, I worked close to a Starbucks. Every Friday, I went into that Starbucks and came out a few minutes later with my end-of-the-week celebratory breakfast: a Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino and a cream cheese croissant danish.

And I wonder why my college rower's physique didn't last.

Fast-forward eleven years (good God, eleven years) and I'm nearly fifty pounds heavier with a much worse back issue and a growling stomach ready for a celebratory Friday breakfast.

My Beachbody coach Lindsey mailed me a sample of Shakeology, and it arrived in the mail yesterday. Like a postage-stamped message from the Universe: "celebrations can be healthy".

I present the "I Made It Through The First Week of PiYo And I'm Celebrating With Something Healthy" smoothie:

Celebration Chocolate Peanut Butter Shake

1 packet chocolate Shakeology
2 Tbsp natural peanut butter
Scant ½ cup almond milk (see explanation below)
1 cup water
Handful ice

Blend everything together. Enjoy the best decision you made today. So far.

Shake well.

P.S. For those of you sickened by my tales of a seemingly perfect Sous Chef, rest assured, he is far from perfect. The bastard left me with a little less than a half cup of almond milk. I picked up the big carton, expecting to have to heave it onto the counter, and I almost hit the top of the fridge with it, it was so light. We've all done it. Oh well. I still love him to death. And the shake was plenty creamy, even with the joke of a serving of almond milk.

1 comment:

  1. I love it with a little PB2 or even chocolate PB2. Or even raw cacao powder. Or a frozen banana. Or all of them.
