Sunday, September 29, 2013

Small Potatoes: Balcony Jungle

1.  The Balcony Jungle came down today.

3.  Hey, lookie there - my home faces a parking lot.  The lovely green screen provided by the Balcony Jungle almost made me forget that fact.  Now I get to look at asphalt and bumpers for the next 8 months.  Yippee.

4.  Plantings verdict:  Eh.  While we got a lot of compliments on the bright chartreuse color of one plant  and the tropical vibe of another, the two morning glory varieties we planted didn't produce nearly enough blossoms for us to be satisfied.  We'll definitely use different varieties next year.

5.  Kudos to our upstairs neighbor for being amenable to the vines stretching up to and wrapping around her own balcony.  Super chill, Upstairs Neighbor.  Super chill.

6.  I Google mapped my house today, and I was able to tell the exact month and year when the Google Street View car last zipped by our place based on the stage of bounty our Balcony Jungle was putting forth in the photo.  I'm like a Street View detective.

7.  The Balcony Jungle this year expanded to include a fountain that we made.  While I loved relaxing on the balcony, listening to the soothing sounds of the trickling water, my trips to the bathroom to pee increased exponentially as a result.  The price we pay for Zen.

8.  I probably should have disclosed this earlier, but every time you see the word "we" in this post, just replace it with "the Sous Chef".  He does all the work.  I just write about it and pee a lot.

9.  We're contemplating planting a "cover crop" this year.  For those of you who don't know what a cover crop is…I'm not the one to tell you about it (see #8).  Go here instead.

10.  The Balcony Jungle is (sniff, was) my second favorite place to write.  This place is my favorite.

11.  If there is one lesson I want you to take from the Balcony Jungle, it is this:  Stuff will grow anywhere.  If a tree can plant itself in a tiny crack in the concrete in the middle of a huge city, with no help from man at all, then a person who actually wants to help things grow can make it happen.  Yes, it helps if you have a Sous Chef, but if your heart and desire are truly there, you can have a beautiful Balcony or Container or Cinder Block Jungle, too.

12.  I miss you already, Balcony Jungle.

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