Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lunch at Gadsby's Bar American

I finally had a chance to have lunch at Robert Gadsby's latest restaurant, Gadsby's Bar American, the restaurant that took the place of Greystone Grill on Columbia 100 Parkway a while ago.  It soft-opened back in November with a lunch menu, and recently launched a full dinner menu.

After seeing early reviews from HowChow and 2 Dudes, I knew I really, really wanted to try this place.

It was incredibly hard to decide what to eat!  I opted out of the three course lunch tasting menu - I'd had a sneak peak at the dessert menu and knew I'd want to save room for the pistachio cheesecake (which, by the way, tasted like thawed, solidified pistachio ice cream.  This is a good thing, in case my description left you wondering).

My friend started off with the butternut squash soup.  The waiter served it by pouring it around a little pulled pork island in the center of the bowl.  Like a hearty orange moat surrounding a juicy piggy castle.  The soup was thick and creamy, but not so overly creamy that it forgot its squashy origins.

We both ordered the wild mushroom crepes as our main course.  I also ordered a side of crab mac and cheese.  Because what person in their right mind would pass up crab and macaroni and cheeeeeeese?

The crepes were much soupier than I expected; I thought it was going to be crispy crepes wrapped around mushrooms, spinach and cheddar cheese served on a plate, but it was presented in a bowl with a brothy mushroom sauce.  All in all it was good, though.

Do I even need to tell you that the crab mac and cheese was divine?  Nice big lumps of crab meat, a creamy sauce that made its way into all the nooks and crannies of the fusili pasta, and a breadcrumb topping rounded it out with a nice crunch.  I'll definitely be ordering that any time I'm in the mood for a bit of comfort food.

Ah, dessert.  I never, ever get tired of telling you about eating dessert.  I got the afore-mentioned pistachio cheesecake, and my friend ordered the warm apple strudel.  I loved the cheesecake (glad I ordered it so I could eat all but the one bite I forced myself to give to my friend!), and the strudel was pretty good; the apples were cooked but still retained a bit of crunch, and the pastry crust was nice and crunchy.

Oh my goodness, I just realized I forgot to try the ice cream that came with the strudel.

Guess I'll have to go back.

I'd definitely give Gadsby's another go.  I want to take the Sous Chef there for dinner (the dinner menu is even more decadent than the lunch menu!), and Lord knows, there are more desserts to try.  I think in some ways it's they're trying to find their niche, but I will happily join them on the journey.

P.S. I have to try the burgers.  Every other table at lunch today ordered some sort of sandwich or burger.

P.P.S. If you think this picture looks like it was taken from a distance on some sort of culinary stakeout...you're right.  I had to zoom in and quickly snap the shot before the little old ladies who ordered these burgers started to eat.

P.P.P.S Good gracious I just saw on their website that they have a chef's table.  WHO WANTS TO GO WITH ME?!

Gadsby's Bar American on Urbanspoon



  1. I just came home with my family from Gadsby's Bar American. I met my sister-in-law with her family along with my brother -in-law. I have to say that we were greeted nicely at the door. There was seven of us in the party and we ordered our meal at 8:28pm. Most of our party had appetizers and our dinner came out at 9:20pm. For me I had ordered their Pepper Crusted Filet Mignon to be served "medium". When my plate was put in front of me I had to take a double look at my plate on how "SMALL" the filet was, but what was most disappointing is that my filet was nothing but a "BLACK BURNT WELL DONE" piece of meat. You would have had to be a blind person not to see this. Very obvious someone in the kitchen screwed up and thought they would get away with sending it out. I immediately had it returned while everything started on their dinner. Now 20 minutes later, yes 20 minutes my meal finally arrived and my filet was now served "RARE". By this time everyone had finished their dinner and the waitress asked if it was OK to have it cooked correctly. To me be honest I was done with this place. I just said to box up my meal and I would take it home. Dessert was ordered by a few and my nephew had their Black Forest Truffles. He cut some of them up and shared them with the party. Now you would think that this would be that nice smooth rich chocolate taste. Everyone who tasted it went immediately to drink some water since there was a heavy spice flavor to the chocolate. Oh man just kick me when I am down. This had to be the worse chocolate I ever had in my life. The water would not get rid of the taste in my mouth. I had to pull the lemon from my drink and suck on it to get rid of this terrible taste. Most of us made issue of this, and we commented that this had to be noted on the menu. The staff understood my situation and they gave me a $50 gift certificate to come back to the restaurant. Nice gesture, but I will "NEVER" come back to Gadsby's. I still had to pay for the meal and I gave the gift certificate to my sister-in-law. To be fair everyone at my table liked their meals, but it is very obvious that there is some type of a disconnect in the kitchen. The restaurant appeared not crowded and it was cold and snowing when we arrived.

    1. I'm sorry to hear about your experience! Very frustrating when you don't get what you expect! I try to keep in mind that this is still a relatively new restaurant, and they are still working out the kinks. I went back for a second time last week for lunch and the food was excellent.
