Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fall Potatoes

1.  It's officially Fall.  Except that it isn't officially Fall.  But whatever - once lattes become pumpkinized and kids are off the streets and back in school where they belong, it's Fall.

2.  Speaking of pumpkinizing things - OH. MY. GOD.  Get off your butt and go to AIDA now and order the pumpkin créme brulée.  You can thank me later (by giving me a pumpkin créme brulée).

3.  I'm really annoyed that I can't get my computer to make the accents over the "e" in "créme" go the other way.  They're supposed to be the other way.  And there's supposed to be that tent-looking thing over the "u".  If any of you Mac users know the keystrokes to make those things happen, let me know, because this is driving my OCD side crazy!

4.  We haven't had the air conditioning on in over a week.  Sorry, BGE, but Hallelujah.

Cholula, The Fake Suicidal Drama Cat
5.  My cat tried to kill herself twice this morning.  First, she launched herself onto the screen in the bedroom window (just like those suction cup Garfields people used to have in their car windows - whatever happened to those?), and then she literally jumped into the cords attached to the blinds.  My response at that point was, "This is how cats die."  All of this drama was her effort to get us out of bed and feed her, which we did, because we are very well-trained humans.

6.  As a result of my being featured as the Letter of the Month in Clean Eating, I received a free copy of their cookbook, The Best of Clean Eating 2!!  I had no idea there was a prize attached to the Letter of the Month thing, so I was so surprised and excited to learn I had won the book.  I already have a copy of the first edition, which I love, so I can't wait to crack open this one.

7.  I officially love my new job.  I get to wear cute curvy-girl skirts and feel like Joan on Mad Men except without the low self-esteem and chauvinist bosses, and I get to file things and staple things and type things and organize things.  It's like playing secretary except I am getting paid for it!  Plus, I have the energy when I get home to do this other thing I love, called Writing.

8.  This calls for another Hallelujah.

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